User software and vehicle speedometer’s features


Since this software is system’s user interface, so in order to benefit from all of the system’s facilities easily, it is tried to design the software in user friendly way.

It is tried to facilitate the accessibility to all of the features provided for users with the least change of pages possible, as well as displaying all necessary information in graphical form.

Entrance page of software

GPS map

One of this system's features is applying GPS in order to show any vehicles instant location on a specific map that is available on “gui” main page. Other applications of the system’s GPS are as follow: 1. Recording the location of each offender vehicle as well as kind of the occurred offense. 2. Recording each user's moving route which is visible for supervisors.

Vehicles’ databases and licenses

Vehicles’ database: A database is provided in this system which includes a full list of all stolen and pursued vehicles, hence all detected plates will be compared with this list and a message will be forwarded to the user if any similar case was discovered.

In addition to the above-mentioned list, there is a file containing all of the permitted vehicles identity information which provides their background to the user.

License’s database: another feature provided in the inquiry page is the ability to search according to the license numbers. This capability makes it possible for the user to access to identity information and also all of the offenses for any wanted driver.

Vehicle's database

Continuous Video Recording

There is a special feature considered on the main page which makes the user able to record a continues film from detecting vehicles as well as their location, time and speed information.

Offense recording

The offense will be recorded if at least one of these below situations happens:

  1. The automatically or manually selected offender vehicle’s speed goes beyond the permitted range.
  2. The user clicks on the rectangles surrounding each vehicle shown in the monitor.

Each recorded offense contains a film of few seconds before and after the time of occurrence.

Other stored and available data for the user, while each offense is occurring include:

Law enforcement speed (which is the maximum mathematical filter’s output speed), the average speed, offense location and its map, the read plate as well as a high-resolution picture (which is used in order to read plates). In addition, there is a special page on each system in order to fill up and issue the penalty form manually, while the offender is stopped and his/her driving license information is available. Finally, the penalty form will be printed and delivered to the offender.

User management and reporting

The user management page is accessible directly from the main page. There is a possibility of defining new users, as well as the possibility of allocating different levels of access for each of them. Also there is the possibility of observing the traveled routes by the vehicle during different users’ mission and other graphs demonstrating each user’s activity, providing permission to this access level for the users.

The supervisor user is able to observe different reports from missions of other users, which for example include the mission's path and the number of recorded offenses.

User management and reporting

Evacuation and update

in order to update the vehicles database, driving license and pursued vehicles, and also evacuation of existing films and offenses for recording in central police databases and issuing and sending penalty forms, a LAN connection is considered in the system, which makes the connection to the central system possible. Other connections such as WIFI, WiMAX and GPRS could be added to the system optionally.

Accessibility to all the recorded violations

All recorded offenses including the confirmed, referred to the future or even the eliminated ones are available for users at reviewing page of offenses. The user is able to sort offenses based on some attributes such as date, law enforcement speed, average speed. Other features of this page also include fast review and searching.

Monitor’s Main page

Live video of the road through the right side camera is shown in the main page of the system, which the most activity of the user is there, and by utilizing a mouse or touch screen the user is able to select the offender vehicles and record their offenses. Some other features available in this page include allowable speed limit setting, alarm speed setting for displaying the vehicles. are existing in this page. Owing to the necessity of immediate access to film record capability for police missions, the nonstop film recording button is available on this page as well. The location map as well as its GPS point, the exact speed of police vehicle which is obtained from GPS as well and the exact time and date also exist besides this page which finally provides easy access to the other pages of the system for the users.

Software’s options

Settings Page

The adjustment page is another page which is applicable for the users.

This page provides the possibility of making different adjustment such as:

  1. adjusting the state of system’s running including both moveable and immoveable states.
  2. Selecting the summertime mode
  3. Activating automatic punishment possibility
  4. Image displaying customization
  5. Vehicles’ information on the main page
  6. Some other simple camera adjustments.

In addition to the above-mentioned settings, a number of screens are visible in order to demonstrate the amount of batteries charge as well as the temperature of the sensitive points of the system, hence if any point’s temperature increases beyond the determined limit or the charge of the system decrease, the user will be notified. This issue is an additional adjustment to the corrective actions which are automatically accomplished by the electronic boards.

Software’s setting page